Thursday, 30 January 2014

Two songs

I don't often download Perry Como or barber shop tracks but these two are a worthy - and rare audio - addition to this blog. The first, of course, includes the refrain Dad used to sing in response to Mum trying to wrestle from his amorous clutches and the other was what he sung (often to our irritation) when we were looking tired.

Hear the songs in full probably for the first time:

Tip: If you can't get the second tune to play after the first then refresh the webpage and it should work.

Pic of the day: Here's one of Beck looking particularly cute. But who's the fella in the middle? The brother we never knew off ... ?


Wednesday, 22 January 2014

New online family tree

Here is the link to a great new family tree produced by Chris Kirkwood, a distant relative in Australia (our grandfathers were brothers), with whom I was put in contact by Uncle James. Now you find out precisely where that middle name we're all so fond of came from and see a pic of our great grandfather and great grandmother. Youthful pic of Aunt Peggy on there too. A fascinating browse, in my view. As you will see I've supplied Chris with some archive and contemporary pics. There are a few errors but providing updates becomes a bit of a time bandit ...
To access the tree click sign in as me. User name: pkkirkwood. Password: Suttonbank01. Move your cursor to the top left and 'Family Trees' then 'Kirkwood family tree' will appear below. You can zoom in and out and scroll around to see people you're interested in. Clicking on the little green arrows at the bottom of each person takes you to their siblings. To centre the tree on someone just click on them then 'View his/her family tree'. Have a play.
Pic of the day: What a bunch of squirts! Particularly those two in the front - and doesn't Uncle Andrew look tall? The back of pic reveals only that it was taken in Scotland c. late 1930s, I guess.