Friday, 14 March 2014

A trip down Memory Lane

Well, a trip down Great Knolly's Street, to be more precise. After supervising the visit of a BBC TV News film crew to an apartment block site at the end of Friar Street I couldn't resist nipping just around the corner to check out the old Thimbleby & Shorland haunts.

It's so long since I was down that way I wasn't sure I was on the street until I reached the T&S H&Q. Unlike much of the rest of the street it still looks the same and very smart. As I lurked I think that Richard Dance came out. He began as the office junior with me in summer 1984 and is now a partner, Mum says. The Red Lion next door has gone and on the other side is a small set of units for garagey-type businesses. The entrance to the market is just the same and brought the memories flooding back. I also checked out the Market Cafe.

The building is so unmodified I wonder if it's
the subject of some sort of conservation order.
Remember sprinting through the green door with the slips.
Listed in the Egon Ronay guide by now, surely.

Nice touch - on a side road off Great Knollys Street.
Not so much of mural as a "moo-ral". Ha, ha, ha.
What appropriately lush grass too.

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Dad in The Guardian

We know the story well enough and we've seen in it The Guardian but here, for the record and online posterity, is that clip. A fine follow-up to an octogenerian Mum in a canoe, though I say it myself.