Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Two more - and a video of me on the TV

We should log a Dadism identified by John in his recent e-postcard: Dad would always start any post-holiday inquisition with the question: "So you left home at what time?"

And one more I thought of the other day when I heard the phrase on the radio: "manners maketh man". (Note a Dad original, of course. Google tells me it's first attributable to the 14th century Bishop of Winchester).

Video of the day: Don't know if this clip really belongs on the blog - but it is archive and family-related. It's of me in the audience of Top of the Pops as an 17-year-old in 1981. I was desperate to be on the telly hence the regular head-turning to see if I'm on the monitor. How vain - and embarrassing. I first appear (white t-shirt with red neck coming in from bottom right of screen) after 11 secs then again at 1:11 and 1:21.

I also appeared on another show - albeit more fleetingly - with The Ramones. If you really can't get enough of shots of the back of my head then click here for the video of that one. I'm wearing my green Portsmouth Poly sweatshirt this time - which you can spot initially in the bottom left corner at 1:47 and 2:29 (head turning again). OK: that's enough time-wasting self-indulgence for one post ...


  1. The head flicking to see yourself on TV rather makes you look like you've got some sort of spasm. Remember what a great gig it was for you to get on TOTP. Great seeing the clips regardless of the head turning wally in the foreground...

  2. Yes, this is quite amazing and keep digging for these little gems they keep me chuckling for ages. altho you are twisting and turning a lot, if it's any consolation, so are some of the other prats. i so wish top of the pops still existed - seeing the youth of the day in their "fashions" dancing is so nostalgic and nothing replaces it.
    thank you!
